Why solo trips to Disney can be a lot of fun
I’m often asked if I mind ending up going to Disney alone, but the truth is I don’t.
Roaming the parks solo can actually be quite a fun experience and is often how I’ve ended up meeting people whom I now call my best friends. Here are a few reasons why visiting a Disney park on your own can actually be a fun experience.

If you didn’t know, quite a lot of the major attractions (otherwise known as E-Tickets) feature Single Rider Lines; which do exactly what the name suggests. More often than not, by utilising one of these lines you’ll end up waiting only a few minutes before it’s your turn to ride, rather than almost an hour in the regular standby line. Of course not all attractions offer this service, but it’s always worth asking the Cast Member at the attractions entrance. I know that groups will try to use the Single Rider Line in the hope of not having to wait like everyone else, but Cast Members know this and will split groups up.

Roaming around Disney on your own doesn’t mean you need to forgo enjoying a meal at your favourite table-service restaurant. It’s actually a great way to enjoy a meal, read a book in-between courses and chat to your server. I’ve now experienced fantastic service on several occasions when dining alone. The waiting staff regularly walked by and checked in on me. So much so, that they actually provided me with useful tips on where to watch the parades from and of course what food to eat.

Everyone loves taking a photo with the fabulous Disney characters, so why should a solo visit be any different? In my experience, you’ll be able to meticulously plan in advance what characters you want to meet and make a beeline for where they are due to appear before the lines start to get too long.
From street performers to the daily parades and shows, there is always something going on somewhere within the theme-parks. It’s certainly worth picking up a map and times guide and working out what you want to see in advance or whilst you are enjoying your morning coffee.
Have you ever been to the Disney Parks solo? What did you think of your experience and is there any other tips you’d like to add? Feel free to leave your comments below.